Thursday, January 26, 2012

Japanese Chopsticks Part Four

These chopsticks are called Hibashi.  Hi 火 means fire, and bashi, chopsticks.  Hashi (chopsticks) changes to bashi when it comes after hi.   I look up my dictionary, and it says a pair of tongs, but I googled tongs and see different shapes.  Hibashi is used to handle hot bincho charcoal.  Bincho is high quality charcoal, and there are many different kinds, size, and colors.

This is not used for handling hot bincho charcoal, but used as an ornament and support a bamboo ladle in a standing vase in one style of performances.  This is my favorite, and I only use this.  I think these heads are ducks, but I could be wrong.

Blue and White Ceramic

These are most common hibashi.


kristieinbc said...

This is so interesting! I had no idea there were so many different kinds of chopsticks.

keiko amano said...

In Ocha, even daily items are odogu (utensils with honorific). And ocha practitioners try to use the best quality utensils and handle them in the most simple and economical way to entertain guests' eyes. Throughout the history of Ocha or should I say the history of Japan since around 1500, ocha practitioners have been corroborating with every kind of artists and craft people to use and improve utensils, architecture, garden, and so on. Ocha is the center of all the Japan's arts appreciation, and unlike museums, participants are able to look at valuable arts, and performers are able to touch and handle them. And with permission, participants can make a request to examine the utensils. There is so much about Ocha. It's truly interesting art.

ZACL said...

The carved ones do look like ducks don't they. Lovely set of pictures.

keiko amano said...


I'm glad you think they are ducks. I don't know much about birds and fish. There are so many kinds, and some look similar.